Megh Bhalerao

I am a Master’s Student studying Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Washington, Seattle. My broad areas of interest are Machine Learning and Computer Vision.
I am a member of the MELODI Lab, advised by Prof. Jeffrey Bilmes. I primarily work at the intersection of Submodularity, Computer Vision, and Data Summarization. I have also collaborated with Prof. Sheng Wang at UW CSE (2022) where I worked on Biomedical Natural Language Procesing.
I was a Project Assistant (2020 - 2021) in the Image Analysis and Compter Vision Lab at the Indian Institute of Science working with Prof. Soma Biswas where I primarily worked on Domain Adaptation, Semi-supervised Learning
I completed my Undergraduate Thesis (2019) working on Medical Image Semantic Segmentation at the Center for Biomedical Image Computing and Analysis, University of Pennsylvania with Prof. Spyridon Bakas. During my undergraduate studies, I was fortunate to be advised by Prof. Krishnan CMC.
I graduated with a Bachelor of Technology in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, India in 2020.
Jan 2, 2022 | Started Masters in Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington! |